關於David Lien~台灣工作室系列
David Lien~workshop系列偏向義大利式風格,採用Stradivari的模子,以純手工方式製作與上漆而成。
不同等級的琴或是根據國外客戶的個別需求,我們也提供Amati、Guarneri、Montagnana、Carlo Bergonzi、Guadagnini等名家作品的客製化製琴服務。
來自阿爾卑斯山的松木面板與波希米亞森林的楓木背板原材,先由技巧精熟的老師傅手工完成每一個步驟。為了達到每一把琴具有豐富的泛音、雄健有力的中低音和甜美的高音,以及每一條弦音量之間的平衡度,每一把琴面板、低音樑、背板的校音,是David Lien系列能有好聲音的關鍵之一。
由經驗豐富的老師傅用珍貴的油漆原料,師承義大利繁複油性漆技術,也是David Lien系列能有好聲音的關鍵。
我們的工作室手工提琴專門為挑剔的演奏家而製作,追求「低音渾厚飽滿」、「高音明亮華麗」,同時「具有穿透力」的音色表現,甚至具備音樂會「獨奏」演出的水準,是David Lien最高等級提琴的最終目標,也歡迎訂製您個人的專屬琴型。
Brand David Lien
The instruments of David Lien are built for advanced and professional players and all handcrafted in our workshop in Taipei, Taiwan.David Lien’s models are the imitation of old Italian violin, which adopting Stradivari’s mold, and made by our experienced and mastery luthiers; yet we accept custom order as well, as per customer’s request, we also made the string instruments according to the mold of Amati, Guarneri, Montagnana, Carlo Bergonzi, Guadagnini, etc.
However, to present brilliant performance for each instrument, we focus on every detail of manufacturing process- start from purchase fine hand-picked Alpine Spruce and Bohemian Forest Maple Wood, to carefully adjust the top, bass bar, and back for the best sound and the layers and layers of hand painted Italian oil paint. You’ll be amazed by its rich overtone, mid- range punchiness, a lot of sweetness from high register, and of course the well-balanced tone.
For over 20 years, we keep growing and focusing on craft so as to reach to Stad’s and soloist performance level which is the goal and strict demands what we set to ourselves and it’s David’s persistence all along.
On top of all they all have a nice and reasonable price!