Dimitri Atanassov
“由於音樂是我的生命,身為演奏家的我,總是在製琴的過程中,追 求最美麗的聲音,讓每把我製作的小提琴,擁有無瑕的靈魂及嘹亮的 嗓音是我不變的堅持。”
製琴師/演奏家迪米特里,1970年生於索菲亞Sofia。六歲開始習琴,師事Anna Ivanova。迪米特里在小提琴家Vaclav Snitil的指導下,於1994年畢業於布拉格音樂院,並取得榮譽小提琴碩士學位。畢業後,迪米特里成為紐西蘭奧克蘭交響樂團 Auckland Philharmonia的首席,並與多位國際知名大師同台演出 。
由於對小提琴及音樂的熱愛,迪米特裡開始接觸世界名琴。在克雷蒙 納古典小提琴製作大師Guarnari和Stradivari,以及現代製琴師Ian Sweetman的啟發下,迪米特里對製作小提琴有了極大的熱情 ,並於2002年開始製作提琴。
基於對小提琴的認識以及對聲音的追求,迪米特裡的小提琴擁有細膩 卻又有穿透力的聲音。他特別注重製作小提琴的材料, 也追求小提琴的順手度。他的小提琴得到世界各地演奏家的青睞, 包括美國、亞洲、歐洲以及紐西蘭。
除了專注於提琴製作之外,迪米特里也參與歐柏林小提琴修復研習Oberlin Violin Restoration Workshop,以及小提琴修復及製造大師Jean-Jacq uesFasnaht的大師班。
迪米特里的手工琴,不單單是演奏家或高階提琴學生的最愛,他的琴 也受邀於世界各地展出。 2010年,在Oslo Norway (挪威)的“Ole Bull”,Dimitri 的琴得到很大的迴響與讚賞。2011年,迪米特里的小提琴,在義大利的國際小提琴製作比賽( International Violin Making Competition)中,得到第五及第六名。亦於同年於義大利的Cremona (克雷蒙納) 開設個人的製琴工作室。
連老師與Dimitri 於Cremona他個人製琴工作室合影
Born 1970 in Sofia, Dimitri Atanassov started learning the violin at the age of 6. After studying with Professor Anna Ivanova, Dimitri excelled in his tudies at the Prague Academy of Arts under the guidance of Professor Vaclav Snitil, completing his Master’s degree (graduating with honours) in 1994.
As a Concertmaster of the Auckland Philharmonia orchestra and a chamber musician he has worked and performed with some leading international artists and onductors such as Shlomo Mintz, Nigel Kennedy, Per Arne Glorvigen, Kiri Te Kanawa, Dmitri Kitajenko, John Nelson, Luciano Pavarotti, Josef Suk, Roy oodman, Alina Ibragimova, Tasmine Little, Oleg Caetani, Feng Ning, James Ehnes and many others.
Inspired by violin maker Ian Sweetman and the works of the old Cremonese masters Guarneri and Stradivari, Dimitri took up violin making in 2002.
His instruments have quickly become popular for their quality of sound, playability and affordability for emerging artists. Currently Dimitri’s violins are played in Europe, USA, Asia and New Zealand.
In 2010 he exhibited at the 「Ole Bull」 – Exhibition in Oslo Norway- organized by Christophe Landon, and at the Shanghai Music Expo in 2012. In 2011 his instruments were placed 5th and 6th at the International Violin Making Competition in Pisogne, Italy. Dimitri has also participated at the Oberlin violin restoration workshop and attends restoration master classes with Master violin maker and restorer Jean-Jacques Fasnacht.
In March 2013 Dimitri exhibited with great success at the New York – Mondomusica. Also, in 2013 Dimitri opened his new workshop in Cremona, Italy.